Global Business Environment

Pages : 512;
210 X 275 mm approx.
Textbook Price: Rs. 900;
Available only in INDIA
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<< Chapter 3
Political Environment : Chapter 4
Political systems can be classified based on the party system in the society, and mode in which governments attain power. Based on the way governments come into power, they can be classified into parliamentary type or absolutist type. The citizens elect parliamentary governments. Absolutist governments are not elected. They come into power by force. Based on the number of parties active in a country, the political establishment can be classified into four types: single-party, two-party, multiparty, and one-party dominated systems.
In a single-party system there is only party. This party has absolute power. In a two-party system two major groups with differing political philosophies compete for control of the government. In a multiparty system no single party may have the strength to form the government.
Political Environment- An Overview
Types of Political Systems
Political Risk
Foreign Politics
Domestic Politics
International Politics
Nature of Political Risk
Factors that Contribute to Political Risk
Social Unrest; Attitude of Nationals
Policies of the Host Government Analysis of Political Risk
Management of Political Risk: Techniques.
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